Enhancing Living Conditions

Children from Kobil Small Home in their dormitory (boys)

At Kobil Small Home, we believe that every child deserves a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment to thrive. However, the children under our care currently face challenges in their living conditions that hinder their well-being and accessibility. Your generous donation to Kobil Small Home can make a profound impact.

By supporting us, you can help provide the necessary resources to improve the floors of their classrooms, dormitories, and living areas, making them safer and more hygienic. Additionally, your contribution will help create ramps, widen doorways, and install handrails, making the spaces more accessible and accommodating for children with mobility challenges.

Together, we can transform their living conditions and provide them with a dignified, inclusive environment where every child can thrive. Join us in building a brighter future for these children at Kobil Small Home. Donate today and make a lasting difference in their lives.

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